Bartimeo, Federico Alfonso y Elvira Inés, los ángeles del blog.

sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2020

Un servicio a la comunidad perrera

2. Use a short dog leash.
This allows you to have more control. Attaching the leash to the very top of the neck can help you more easily communicate, guide, and correct your dog... Always keep your dog's safety in mind when giving corrections.
3. Give yourself enough time for the dog walk.
Dogs, like humans, are diurnal, so taking walks in the morning is ideal. I recommend setting aside thirty minutes to a full hour. The specific needs of each dog differ. Consult your vet and keep an eye on your dog's behavior to see if his needs are being met.
4. How to reward your dog during the walk.
After your dog has maintained the proper state of mind, reward him by allowing him to relieve himself and sniff around. Then you need to decide when reward time is over. It should always be less than the time spent focused on the walk.
5. Keep leading, even after the walk.
When you get home, don't stop leading. Have your dog wait patiently while you put away his leash or take off your shoes.
6. Reward your dog after the walk.
By providing a meal after the walk, you have allowed your dog to "work" for food and water.
Recuerden que la traducción estará aquí mismo el próximo sábado.
Y si no tienen un perro con quien poner en práctica estos consejos, lo mejor que pueden hacer es adoptar uno de tantos animalitos requeridos de hogar. Sólo me dejan un comentario (si son de Córdoba) y concretamos la adopción. Si son de otros lugares, seguramente hay también grupos que les pueden ayudar en tan noble acción.
Un abrazo y hasta el próximo sábado. Graciela.
Espérenme con la noticia de que le dieron hogar a un perrito o gatito de la calle, ¿les gusta la idea?
P.S.: Recuerden que cualquier cosa que quieran usar de este blog debe incluir la  mención de la fuente, porque todo en él tiene protección de propiedad intelectual.

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